Wednesday, March 17, 2010


ALL OF US!!!!! We had our weigh-in this past Saturday for the Weight-Loss Challenge. It was very close, but I am proud to say that Z and I were the official takers of the pot. We enjoyed a delicious celebratory meal, compliments of Rhonda & Crysal and a special thanks to Jamie for providing our deprived sweet teeth with some super yummy cake! We think we might take a little trip with our few extra dollars.......

Also, some very exciting days ahead. Tomorrow is Z's Birthday and we are going to the Black Eyed Peas, Saturday we are going to Brooks & Dunn and Sunday we are going out for dinner with Z's family (a late B-Day celebration)! Busy, Busy........

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sad Day.......

So, today is a sad day. Z's parents have two Bassett Hounds, Willy & Daisy. They are brother and sister and are about 10 years old.

Daisy has had some health issues ever since I've been around, she gets these huge bumps all over her body. Originally the Vet thought it was because hounds have oily skin and and that her pores were getting clogged, causing the lumps. Some of the growths became so huge that they had to be surgically removed, she has had a couple of surgeries just in the last two months or so. Today Z's mom went out to head for work and discovered that Daisy had burst one of the lumps on her hip. Once it was broken, she kept licking and biting at it leaving a large hole where the lump had once been. Z's mom loaded her up and headed straight to the Vet. Bad news........the Vet suggests that they put her to sleep. She said the growths will just keep coming back and that to spare Daisy any further discomfort that she thinks "it's time".

Chelsie is going to meet Ed at the Vet so that she can say her goodbyes and then when it's all over, they will bring Daisy home to be buried. Z and I are heading over after work. As hard as it for the family, I know that they made the right decision, no animal deserves to suffer.

My heart aches for poor Willy, he has never known life without Daisy and I'm sure he will be devastated.

Daisy will have many to meet at the Rainbow Bridge......

Thursday, March 4, 2010


FINALLY, Z will be home tonight! I am so excited and can't wait to see him!!! He lands around 5:30 pm, but by the time he picks up his truck and makes his way across town I probably won't actually see him until 7:30 or 8:00. He has kept up his no-carb diet while he was offshore and he had to shave his beard, so I'm not even sure if I'll recognize his skinny, bald face! Vito might even think he's a stranger and try to attack him, ha!!!

We had our 5th Agility-Prep class on Tuesday night! We did really good and our hard work over the past week with "HUSH" and Crate Games is definitely starting to pay off. Vito was much more focused and way less vocal!! However, we still have a long road ahead of us, but are feeling much more motivated now that we are seeing some results!! We even got some good feedback from the instructor, which was great! So proud of my little guy! I can for sure tell that the bond between us is growing daily and we are much more in-sync with each other.

So, still not seeing the great results in the weight-loss challenge that I would like. I seem to have plateaued, but I guess that's better than gaining.... Still have just over a week until the weigh-in, so hopefully I can get out of this rut before then.

Work has seemed especially stressful the last couple of weeks, not sure if it's because Z isn't here or the arrival of the new boss or what, but am definitely feeling mentally exhausted. Definitely ready for the weekend, although Z will probably be jet-lagged and not feel like doing much, :-(. Oh well, I'm just glad that he will be home!!!!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Only 3 more sleeps until Z is home, we can't wait!!!!!! However, Vito is enjoying having half of the sofa all to himself, ha! We have a busy week, so hopefully the next few days fly by!

We had a pretty uneventful weekend, as I have a terrible cold and couldn't get up the energy to do much of anything. What a waste of a beatiful weekend. Vito is starting to go stir-crazy, so hopefully we can get in a long walk after work to burn off some energy. Also, I hope to get in round 2 of "Crate Games" before my confrence call tonight. We have been practicing "TOUCH" daily and are getting really good at it. However, we are still struggling with "HUSH", I'm trying not to get frustrated, but really would like to improve in this area. I've tried several different things and still have not seemed to find anything that is working for us. Oh well, we'll get there eventually.

Our final weigh-in is rapidly approaching! The big day is March 13th! I need to really buckle down for the next two weeks and drop some more weight! I'm stuck at about 13 lbs and can't seem to get past it! Hopefully I will feel 100% soon and Vito and I can kick it into high gear with the walking! We have a fun evening planned for after the weigh in, I'm excited already!!! Woot Woot!!